Interventional Pain Management for Your Chronic Pain

Addiction to prescription pain medication is a huge problem in America. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 21%-29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain will misuse them. 

One of the best ways to change this statistic is to offer patients a different, healthier way to manage and treat their chronic pain. 

At CurePain, Dr. David Wu and our experienced team know that you’re often forced to make a choice between relieving your pain and taking potentially addictive pain medications. That’s why we provide our patients with another path to a pain-free life: interventional pain management

An overview of interventional pain management

Interventional pain management is an umbrella term for pain management techniques that don’t stop at simply making your pain go away. 

Dr. Wu approaches your pain holistically and seeks to treat the underlying condition instead of masking your painful symptoms. He takes into account your physical, mental, and behavioral health and uses a wide range of multidisciplinary treatments and therapies to address your pain.

Our interventional pain management techniques

There are many possible reasons why you’re experiencing chronic pain, so we’ve cultivated a similarly varied list of treatment options. Here are some of the most common interventional pain management techniques we offer. 

Physical therapy

Our physical therapy programs for chronic pain address your symptoms by enhancing your overall strength and wellness. Depending on your specific needs, Dr. Wu recommends the following:

All of these physical therapy techniques reduce your pain by improving your mobility, strength, and fitness without relying on the use of prescription medication. 

Cognitive training

Psychology often plays a huge role in chronic pain. Through cognitive pain management, Dr. Wu helps you retrain your perception of and reaction to pain, effectively reducing your symptoms. 

You might engage in relaxation techniques that help you relieve muscle tension, learn how to identify unhelpful thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts, or find ways to improve your sleeping habits. 


We offer a variety of injections that treat your pain at its source, including epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.

Epidural steroid and facet joint injections involve injecting small amounts of anesthetics or medication into your spine to relieve pain. PRP injections use growth factors taken from your own blood to promote healing in the painful, damaged areas of your body. 

Spinal cord stimulation

Spinal cord stimulators are pain management devices that Dr. Wu surgically implants below your skin. The device sends controlled electric currents to your affected nerves, which interrupt pain signals. 

Radiofrequency ablation

This state-of-the-art therapy is effective for chronic pain that stems from conditions like back pain, neck pain, arthritis pain. Dr. Wu uses the Simplicity™ Probe system, which uses the power of radiofrequency to accurately target, heat, and destroy damaged nerves.

Destroying the malfunctioning nerve stops pain signals from reaching your brain, resulting in reduced or eliminated pain. 

When you’re ready to get a pain management treatment that’s safe, effective, and tailored specifically to you, call our Torrance, California office at 424-235-6565, or schedule an appointment online to get started.

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