How Better Posture Can Improve Your Overall Health

How Better Posture Can Improve Your Overall Health

From gym membership to diet overhauls, there are lots of ways you can improve your health. While eating healthier and getting more exercise are certainly effective ways to become a healthier person, there are some even simpler things you can do to complement those efforts and help you reach your health goals. 

Here, Dr. David Wu at CurePain takes a closer look at the link between your posture and your health and shows you how a minor adjustment can have a huge impact on your well-being. 

#1 Less back pain

Sitting or standing with bad posture adds extra stress to the posterior structure of your spine, including your discs, facet joints, and muscles. Correcting the way you sit and stand makes your back’s job much easier and can quickly reduce back pain

#2 Fewer headaches

Headaches are often a direct side effect of poor posture. That’s because your sloppy stature is putting stress on your head, neck, and shoulder muscles, triggering tension headaches. 

#3 More energy

When your bones are out of alignment, your muscles have to work overtime just to hold you up. As a result, you’re stiff, sore, and likely feeling run down. By fixing your posture, you free up your muscles to be used the way they were intended, giving you more energy and stamina to get through the day. 

#4 Healthier joints

Whether you’re a crooked sitter, a knee crosser, or a combination of both, chances are you’re putting undue stress on one or more joints. 

#5 Improved breathing

Your lungs are incredibly powerful, but your posture can significantly impact how they perform. Fixing your posture gives your lungs the room they need to expand and deflate easily, which can improve your lung capacity. 

#6 Better circulation and digestion

A hunched over stature also impacts your circulation and the vital organs involved in digestion. Straighten up, and your body systems can operate without excess pressure.

#7 Improved strength

When you focus on your posture, you’re also giving your abdominal and back muscles a mini-workout. A stronger core and back is an overall positive for your health, and it can help you stave off not only back pain, but neck and shoulder pain, as well. 

#8 TMJ relief

If you have bad posture, your head is in an unnatural forward position, which puts extra stress on your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and jaw muscles. If you have TMJ pain, fixing your posture may be one way you can find natural pain relief. 

#9 Better form during exercise

Your posture is also a key player when you’re moving, not just when you’re sitting and standing. Having good posture when lifting heavy weights or performing difficult movements can significantly reduce your risk for injury. 

#10 More confidence

Improving your posture isn’t just a matter of physical health — it can also have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health as well. When you stand taller and straighter, you naturally come off as more attractive and more confident, which can give you a huge self-esteem boost.

Tips for improving posture

If you’ve been a posture delinquent for most of your life, fixing it can seem like an overwhelming task. The good news is that you can fix your posture and start reaping the benefits with these simple hacks:

Always be mindful of your body’s alignment when you sit or stand. Do your best to keep your spine straight and tall, your shoulders back, your head level, and your body supported. 

If you’d like more information about how to improve your posture, Dr. Wu would love to talk with you. You can request an appointment at our Torrance, California, office by calling our friendly staff or using our online booking tool.

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