5 Encouraging Facts About Sciatica

5 Encouraging Facts About Sciatica

When you have back pain, it can be hard to look past your symptoms and find the silver lining. But with sciatica, you can. 

Here, Dr. David Wu, our interventional pain management expert at CurePain, shares a few encouraging facts about sciatica so you can approach the recovery process positively. 

#1 Movement is a great remedy

The pain and symptoms that accompany sciatica are notorious, and we understand if your instincts tell you to kick back on the couch for a while. However, lounging is the worst thing you can do for sciatica. 

Gentle movement and exercises like walking, swimming, and stretching promote circulation and healing, which calm muscle spasms and relieve pain. This movement also helps you become part of the solution, rather than simply waiting for your symptoms to subside. 

#2 Medication isn’t always necessary

In the earliest stages of sciatica, pain medication can be helpful, but it’s not a long-term solution. Some of the best treatments don’t involve prescriptions, which is great news, especially if your health goals don’t include taking too much pain medication. 

#3 It’s rarely serious

Though the pain is intense, for the most part, sciatica isn’t an indication of a serious underlying medical issue. Rather, it’s a temporary condition that your body can correct over time and with conservative interventions. 

#4 You have lots of treatment options

Sciatica treatment is hardly one-size-fits-all. We review your entire health history and design an action plan that employs the best combination of treatments. Depending on your needs, we can turn to physical therapy, massage therapy, epidural corticosteroid injections, and/or over-the-counter pain relievers.

#5 You may not have typical sciatica

Typical sciatica stems from an injury or degenerative problem in your spine, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. But that’s not always the case.

For example, piriformis syndrome can present with similar symptoms. Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle (a muscle located in your hip and buttocks) spasms and irritates your sciatic nerve. 

We investigate all the possible causes behind your symptoms and let that be the driving force behind your treatment plan.

Don’t spend another day sulking about your sciatica. Come in to talk with us about how you can get started on the path toward a pain-free life. You can schedule an appointment online or over the phone at our Torrance, California, office today. 

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